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$1000 Oregon Cash Assistance Program Offers Hope for Homeless Youth


A Lifeline for Oregon Cash Assistance for Homeless Youth

Oregon Cash Assistance Programs Across America

According to Business Insider, Oregon is struggling with lots of young people who don’t have homes. The Oregon Department of Human Services started giving $1,000 each month to homeless young people aged 18 to 24. They also get a one-time payment of $3,000 to help them even more. The program aims to help them find homes and improve their lives. Other places in the U.S. are trying similar things. In places like Baltimore, Denver, and Austin, they’ve seen good results. People use the money for things like housing and food. But in some states there’s a pushback from lawmakers who don’t like these programs.

$1000 Oregon Cash Assistance Program Offers Hope for Homeless Youth. (PHOTO: The Stock Dork)

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The Case for Expanding Direct Oregon Cash Assistance Programs

These programs are making a difference. They show that giving money directly to people in need can help them get back on their feet. Advocates say we need to keep supporting and expanding these programs to help more people who are struggling.

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