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$14.4 Million Settlement – iPhone Users Agrees to Compensate Towards Battery Gate!

Apple to Pay $14.4 Million in Canada ‘Battery Gate’ Settlement

Apple Settles “Battery gate” Lawsuit in Canada, Agrees to Pay $14.4 Million to iPhone Users

Apple has agreed to pay $14.4 million to iPhone users in Canada to settle a lawsuit about the “Battery gate” issue. This problem involved Apple secretly slowing down older iPhones as their batteries aged, without telling customers. Many iPhone users felt their phones were getting slower and they didn’t know why.

The $14.4 million settlement means eligible iPhone owners could get between $17.50 and $150 Canadian dollars from Apple. This money is compensation for the inconvenience caused by the slowed-down phones. Apple had already settled a similar lawsuit in the United States by paying out $500 million to affected iPhone users.

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If you owned certain models of iPhones—like the 6, 6 Plus, 6s, 6s Plus, SE, 7, or 7 Plus—with specific software versions before December 21, 2017 you might be able to claim a payment. Apple apologized for the issue and made it cheaper to replace iPhone batteries. Now, with this settlement affected users in Canada will also receive compensation for the trouble they faced.

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