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3 Essential Tax-Filing Tips to Minimize IRS Audit Chances

Reducing Tax Return: Tips for a Smooth Filing Experience

3 Essential Tax-Filing Tips to Minimize IRS Audit Chances (PHOTO: Atlanta Tax Lawyer)

Navigating Tax Time : Tax Insights and Tips

Tax time can make people worry. They might think they made a mistake on their tax return and might get checked by the IRS. But its good to know that not many people get checked. TurboTax says only a small number of people get checked. This should make people feel better about doing their taxes.

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But its good to be careful. People should make sure all the info on their tax return is right. They should double check their math make sure they filled out all the forms and give all the right papers. TurboTax also says people should keep good records of their money and taxes. This can help if they get checked. Doing these things can make it less likely for people to get checked and help them feel better about tax time.

  1. Ensure that all your income is accurately reported by triple checking: TurboTax says wait for all your income reports bank and investment papers and other financial stuff before you start your tax return. This helps you not miss anything. If you’re a freelancer or gig worker track your income all year and report it on your tax returns. You might not get income statements so its up to you to keep track. This careful way can help you report everything right and avoid mistakes.
  2. Be cautious when claiming deductions, credits, and losses: Still it’s crucial to get what’s yours. Kiplinger says if you have the right papers claim your deductions, losses, or credits. Just make sure you have proof to back up what you’re saying.
  3. Before you file your return, take a moment to review it: Even if you’re in a rush to finish your taxes take a moment to check everything before you hit submit. TurboTax says make sure all the info is right and you have filled in everything needed. Entering the wrong info is a big problem but its avoidable. The IRS can easily see if something doesn’t match up and they can’t tell if it was a mistake or not.

READ ALSO: Unlock Your Family’s Financial Boost – Tax Season Bonanza Awaits With Child Tax Credit Expansion Bill!

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