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Basic Income Program – Republican Opposition Towards Financial Support!

Politicians Clash Over “Guaranteed Basic Income” Programs: A Debate on Economic Philosophy and Social Support

Opposition to Guaranteed Basic Income Programs Grows as Benefits and Concerns Emerge

Business Insider – In several states, politicians are fighting against programs that give low income people money every month for a year or two, without any conditions. These programs, often called guaranteed basic income programs, have been praised by participants for helping them pay for things like rent, groceries, and credit card debt. Dia Broncucia and Justin Searls who took part in the Denver Basic Income Project, said the money they received helped them rent an apartment, buy a car, and feel better mentally.

However, some politicians mostly Republicans, think that these programs are a bad idea. They say that giving people money without asking them to work for it will make them rely too much on the government. They also worry that these programs will make people not want to work. John Gillette, a politician in Arizona said that giving out money like this is against the idea of capitalism where people work to earn money.

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States Push to Ban Guaranteed Basic Income Programs, Citing Cost and Workforce Concerns

Politicians in Arizona, Iowa, South Dakota, Texas and Wisconsin have introduced bills to ban these programs saying they are too expensive and could make people rely on the government. They also think these programs might make people not want to work. Despite this some cities have seen good results from these programs with people saying they have been able to live more comfortably.

READ ALSO: Michigan, Rhode Island, Montana, And New York Are The States Sending Stimulus Checks In October

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