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Biden Tax Increase: Impact on American Taxpayers Explained

Americans Grapple with Economic Strain and Safety Concerns Under Biden Administration

Concerns Rise as Americans Feel Economic Pinch and Safety Worries Under President Biden

New York The Sun – In recent times, many Americans feel the country mood has taken a hit. A survey showed that 43 percent believe President Biden‘s policies have harmed them with working class individuals from various backgrounds feeling better off during the previous administration. Despite spending $6 trillion on various initiatives like climate change efforts and education inflation has risen hitting the wallets of everyday people hard. Families are feeling the pinch as prices for everyday necessities like groceries and gas continue to climb while wages have seen a decline under President Biden. Concerns about illegal immigrant crime have heightened fears in communities nationwide leaving many feeling unsafe.

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Biden Tax Increase: Impact on American Taxpayers Explained (PHOTO: CNBC)

Uncertainty Looms as Criticism Mounts Against Biden’s Tax Plans and Government Oversight

Critics argue that President Biden tax increases on successful businesses and entrepreneurs could further dampen the economy. There is a growing sentiment of frustration with what some perceive as government overreach with ordinary Americans feeling weary of being told what they can or cannot do. As international tensions rise some feel America’s role on the global stage appears diminished. With uncertainty looming attention turns to whether President Biden will address these concerns or if another political figure will emerge to offer a different path forward.

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