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China’s pro-Russia neutrality needs the West to pay attention and be careful

Despite the fact that the meeting between China and the US in San Francisco was good, Washington and Brussels must not forget that China backs Putin.


China and the United States are getting along better, as shown by President Xi Jinping’s recent visit. Diplomatic relations are also getting better. Giving and receiving symbolic gifts, like a basketball shirt, shows that the friendship could get stronger. Climate change and economic interests have led to talks, but China’s position during Russia’s attack on Ukraine should be taken with a grain of salt. Evan Medeiros came up with the phrase “pro-Russia neutrality” to describe how China publicly doesn’t take sides but gives Moscow important support. Beijing’s attempts to play down Western warnings and discredit intelligence services show that the political situation is complicated.

According to The Diplomat Article, there is no proof that Putin and Xi talked directly about the attack in Ukraine, but public signs show that Moscow promised Beijing that there would be no invasion during the Winter Olympics. China ignored Western worries, even though it may have known that military action was about to happen, which made Ukraine take longer to get ready for war. During the Battle of Hostomel Airport on February 24, China’s messages may have made Ukraine take longer to realize how serious the attack was. China’s backing for Russia isn’t very clear, but there is proof that it helps lower the chance of an attack. Even though China is following the rules set by the West, it has secretly helped Moscow in the war.

The fact that the Chinese Foreign Ministry supported false claims about Biolabs in Ukraine shows that China’s backing for Russia in the Ukraine war goes beyond words. The Atlantic Council did a study that shows how important China is to Russia’s supply of military and dual-use goods, such as trench-digging tools and parts for tanks, fighter jets, and drones. These products have helped Russia improve its security and keep up its war efforts. The West should be careful about how it interacts with China because it sides with the attacker in Europe’s main disagreements.










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