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Disputing US Estimates 31,000 Ukrainian Soldiers Lost in War – Zelenskyy Announces!

Zelenskyy Reveals 31000 Ukrainian Soldiers Killed

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy recently said that 31,000 of his country’s soldiers have died. (PHOTO: CBC)

Big Difference in Reported Deaths Shows It’s Hard to Know Exactly How Many People Are Hurt in War

According to Business Insider, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy recently said that 31,000 of his country’s soldiers have died since Russia invaded two years ago. It’s the first time he’s given an official number. But the United States thinks the real number might be much higher around 70,000 soldiers. Zelenskyy talked about this big loss during a press conference in Kyiv Ukraine’s capital.

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Growing Worries as Differences in Death Count Add to Tension

Both Ukraine and Russia are trying to get more soldiers ready for battle. There’s a big gap between Zelenskyy’s number and the US estimate it’s clear that a lot of people have been hurt by the fighting. The United States thinks that in total around half a million people from both Ukraine and Russia have been killed or injured.

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