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Extensive Search For Missing Texan Rodeo Goat Unites A Small Rural County’s Inhabitants

People Lining Up for Employment Photo From: Business Finance

Residents of a small South Texas county are intrigued by the search for a rodeo goat that has been missing for more than a week as they use horses, ATVs, and are even thinking about deploying a helicopter to discover the missing animal.

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In order to reward the person who discovers the goat, local companies have offered almost 90 prizes and gifts totaling more than $5,000, including beef, frescoes, and salon services.

“This has just grown to be far greater than we anticipated. About 20,000 people live in our extremely tiny county, which is mostly an agricultural, farming, and ranching region. And we truly are a single, large family. The Willacy County Livestock Show and Fair’s president, Alison Savage, stated, “So, we’re happy that everyone wants to discover our goat.

Since the goat escaped from a corral in the county’s rodeo arena in Raymondville on July 15 following a youth rodeo, locals, including families, have been searching cotton and sugar cane fields. On Sunday, cotton field south of Raymondville, near Lyford, appeared to have goat footprints in it.

Don’t Have A Name


Source: daily Mail

The goat didn’t have a name when it initially vanished. But following a Facebook poll for the cattle show, the goat was given the name Willy, which is short for Willacy County, according to Savage. Although the goat has a name—Willy—officials are unsure of whether it is a male or a girl, according to Savage.

On its Facebook page, the cattle show has been giving frequent updates. The cattle show has benefited from the hunt as well since locals and companies have given hundreds of thousands to upgrade the nonprofit’s arena and other amenities. He’s someplace avoiding us. But we’re drawing near. Savage said, “We’re going to locate him.

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