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Federated States Of Micronesia: China Courting One Of United States’ Closest Partners In The Pacific

President Xi Jinping and Former President David Panuelo (Photo: CCTV)

China pushes its influence on one of America’s closest Pacific partners, the federated states of Micronesia, by allegedly providing gifts such as cash, cellphones, and now residence buildings for the President and state officials.

Federated States of Micronesia (Photo; WorldAtlas)

President Of Federated States Of Micronesia Accuses China Of Bribery

SOURCE– Two months before the term of the president of the federated states of Micronesia expires, former President David Panuelo said that China’s goal in interfering in the federated states of Micronesia was to make the country neutral in any potential Pacific war.

In an excoriating letter, the former President of the Federated States of Micronesia accused Beijing officials of bribing Micronesian elected officials, even claiming that it was a direct threat to his personal safety.

In his letter, Panuelo said that China wants to ensure that the Federated States of Micronesia is aligned with the People’s Republic of China (PRC) instead of the United States.

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China Courting Political Elites Of The Federated States Of Micronesia

Axios traveled to the Federated States of Micronesia and interviewed the current and past three leaders. This includes President Wesley Simina, senior members of the Micronesia Congress, and foreign diplomats.

They said that Beijing has been courting Micronesia’s political elite for a long time now. They provide gifts like cellphones, cash, and even residences and government buildings for the president and other officials.

Most senior officials of the Federated States of Micronesia said that China’s interest is largely positive, both because of the money and infrastructure Beijing has provided. On the other hand, they expressed their concern that a conflict between the United States and China could ensnare their country.

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