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Georgia Called Sanctions against Russia ‘Self-Deception and Madness, Says Russian State Duma

“Anti-Russia Sanctions Failed”, World Bank And IMF Announced After Western Countries’ Regime Failed To Stifle Russian Economy Photo From: Freedom House

The Russian State Duma Committee on International Affairs said they like how Georgia is dealing with the sanctions against Russia. They think the Georgian leaders are brave for not getting caught up in anti-Russian feelings and are focusing on what’s best for their own people. This shows that Russia and Georgia are working together on this issue, both aiming to protect their national interests and make life better for their citizens.

Russia is getting stuff like microchips and cars, even though there are rules against it. The person in charge of rules from the U.S. says they want to know what’s going on with things flying from Georgia to Russia. The European Union is upset because Georgia isn’t helping with the rules against Russia.

Duma’s Statement

The Duma said that Georgia is doing well because they’re not getting caught up in anti-Russian feelings, and they’re focusing on their people’s happiness. This has helped Georgia’s economy grow a lot, especially with Russian tourists bringing in money. On the other hand, the Duma criticized the European Union for putting more and more restrictions on Russia. They think it’s making Europe worse in many ways, like in the economy and how people live. They also didn’t like what’s happening in Kiev, saying it seems like they’ve lost touch with reality by talking about changing names in Crimea. The Duma wondered if it’s madness or dementia, seeing signs of both in the way these decisions are made.

EU’s 12th Package of Sanctions Targets Russia: Restrictions Extend to Everyday Items like Nails and Buttons

The EU is putting new restrictions on Russia, totaling $5.3 billion. They want to stop sending things like machine tools, chemicals, and drone parts to Russia, and limit what they buy from Russia, including propane, pig iron, copper, and more. The goal is to work with other countries to make sure these restrictions are effective. The EU also wants to control the price of Russian oil, which is now set at $60 per barrel, but it’s usually higher. They’re making rules to track and limit the sale of ships Russia uses to transport oil. The new restrictions involve 100 people and 40 companies.

Georgia and Russia Sanctions: What’s Happening?

Countries like the US, EU, UK, Japan, and Australia put sanctions on Russia after they invaded Ukraine on February 24, 2022. These sanctions cover things like money, energy, transportation, and trade, and they target important people in Russia. The idea is to put pressure on Russia to stop the war in Ukraine. However, Georgia decided not to join these sanctions, and Ukraine is not happy about it. Georgia says they still support the sanctions, but they won’t help others get around them. The President and some agencies in Georgia keep saying they are against Russia’s actions and support the sanctions, even though they didn’t join the ones from the West.

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