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Health Advocates And Experts Worry That FDA Regulation Of Over-The-Counter Self-Testing Of STIs Could Backfire

(Photo: thebodypro)

Sexual health advocates and health experts are showing their concerns over the approval of at-home testing for chlamydia and gonorrhea. Health advocates and experts say that the FDA’s regulations will only create more barriers to public health testing.

FDA Headquarters (Photo; Physicians Committee)

Health Advocates And Experts Worry That FDAs Regulation Could Backfire

SOURCE– The Food and Drug Administration, or FDA, just approved an at-home test for gonorrhea and chlamydia, which could help drive earlier detection and treatment of these sexually transmitted infections amid an escalating epidemic in the United States. According to US News, the at-home test kit is called Simple 2 Test, produced by LetsGetChecked.

However, some health advocates and experts voiced their concerns about it. These health advocates and experts worry that these regulations from the FDA will eventually backfire.

In the past two decades, the diagnoses of chlamydia, syphilis, and gonorrhea have soared. Public health advocates and experts argue that this is at least partially driven by the awful long-term flat funding of CDC’s budget to help fight the spread of STIs.

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Many Public Health Advocates, Leaders, And Experts Are Concerned About The New FDA Regulations

According to Jen Hecht, the director of the consortium Building Healthy Online Communities, many public health advocates, leaders, and experts think that the new regulations of the FDA will only create additional barriers to public health testing. Another public health official said that the self-testing kits and how they perform are not well known.

Tristan Schukraft, the CEO of MISTR, is one of the health advocates and experts who voiced their concerns regarding the FDA’s new regulations. CEO Schukraft said that the FDA would do harm to public health.

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