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President Biden Introduces SAVE Plan For Student Loan Repayment

Joe Biden
Joe Biden; Source- CNBC

As the payments on federal student loans are scheduled to restart in October, the Biden administration is today unveiling a beta site for its new income-driven repayment of student loans plan, enabling borrowers to start filing applications for the program. After President Joe Biden’s student debt forgiveness effort was overturned by the Supreme Court in June, the SAVE plan was put into place.


SAVE Plan; Source- CNET

Website For Loan Repayment Of Students

At, borrowers of federal student loans can view the website’s beta version. The enrollment procedure is anticipated to take ten minutes, and many fields can be filled in automatically with data the government already has, such as returns of taxes from the IRS. Instead of having to reapply every year as in the past, borrowers will just need to do so once. Once an application is filed, users will get a confirmation email, and it will likely take a few weeks for it to be approved. The existing REPAYE, or Revised Pay As You Earn, financial repayment scheme offered by the federal government will automatically transition to the new plan. Applications filed during the beta phase do not need to be submitted again after the official website launch in August.

President Biden’s SAVE Plan

The SAVE plan will determine payments depending on income and the size of the family, and some monthly payments might be as low as $0. It applies to existing and prospective federal student loan borrowers. A single borrower’s annual income must be at least $32,805 or a household of four’s annual income must be at least $67,500 to qualify for no payments, which has been raised between 150% and 225% of the federal poverty level. According to the Education Department, this will increase the number of borrowers who are eligible for $0 monthly payments under the plan by more than 1 million.

When the scheme is fully implemented the following year, certain borrowers may see a large reduction in their monthly payments and the cancellation of their remaining debt after at least ten years of payments. If a borrower pays their full monthly obligation under the new plan, no interest will be owed. However, the federal government will pay a price for the new strategy. Depending on how many debtors enroll in the new plan, estimates of the program’s costs have changed, but they currently vary between $138 billion and $361 billion over ten years. In contrast, it was estimated that Biden’s student loan forgiveness plan would cost around $400 billion.

Student Loan Forgiveness

In the past, the Education Department has developed comparable income-driven repayment arrangements without encountering an adequate legal challenge. The test site’s introduction coincides with the fact that after a more than three-year hiatus due to the pandemic, borrowers must resume paying payments on federal student loans in October. The government has taken several actions to assist borrowers of federal student loans in different ways since the Supreme Court rejected Biden’s attempt to terminate up to $20,000 in educational debt for millions of students. Following improvements that more precisely count eligible monthly payments under current income-driven repayment programs, the Education Department earlier this month announced that 804,000 students, who owed a combined $39 billion in student debt, would have their debts forgiven.

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