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Property Tax Proposal In Texas To Help Low Income Renters, Unlikely To Be Passed Into Law

Property Tax Proposal In Texas To Help Low Income Renters, Unlikely To Be Passed Into Law Photo From:

According to the US Census Bureau, more than half of Texas renters pay 30% or more of their monthly income on housing. Renters are typically charged for property taxes and other charges incurred by property owners.


Property Tax Proposal In Texas To Help Low Income Renters, Unlikely To Be Passed Into Law
Photo From: Hao Finder

Property Tax Proposal In Texas To Help Low Income Renters

The research Director in Texas Housers, Dan Martin, said that most renters in Texas belongs to low-income families and they are usually overlooked by the State to somehow suffice their day-to-day needs since renters in Texas are far more likely to be poor, belongs in the minorities, and younger than usual homeowners.

Gov. Greg Abbott’s top priority in his administration this year is for property tax relief. In line with this, a new proposal expected to be approved this week will intend to lower the school property tax rate, enhance homestead exemptions, and provide significant assistance to seniors and disabled property owners.

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Property Tax Proposal In Texas on Hold until November

The reduced property tax proposal in Texas is still far behind the new programs.If reduced property tax proposal in Texas will be passed, renters could be refunded at least 10% of the rent they had paid in the previous year.

Rep. John Bryant, a Democrat from Dallas had passed property tax proposal in Texas. Renters hope that it could benefit all Texan household. The property tax proposal in Texas will need pass the constitutional election in November this year.

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