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Ricky Anderson, 30-year Veteran Police Officer Indicted For Murder And Reckless Homicide After Shooting Unarmed Man

Semi automatic hand gun and red light.

Ricky Anderson was indicted for murder and reckless homicide for August 30, 2022 incidents which resulted to the death of Donovan Lewis inside his own home. He was just on his bed when Ricky Anderson barged in and pulled the trigger.


Ricky Anderson, 30-year Veteran Police Officer Indicted For Murder And Reckless Homicide After Shooting Unarmed Man
Photo From: Franklin County Jail

Ricky Anderson, 30-year Veteran Police Officer

Ricky Anderson is a 30-year veteran police officer from Columbus, Ohio. On August 30, 2022. He was serving a warrant for domestic violence, assault and improper use of a firearm in Donovan Lewis’ residence.

According to a report from CNN, Ricky Anderson saw that Lewis was ‘holding something’ so he proceeded to pull the trigger. It was later discovered that the deceased was just holding a vape pen.

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Ricky Anderson, Indicted For Murder

Ricky Anderson’s attorney believed that the whole incident was justified as a police officer. They also look forward that the evidences to be presented will prove the justification of the act.

Representatives from Lewis family said that Anderson was already known for using ‘excessive force during his 30-years in service. “Officer Ricky Anderson broke the law when he shot and killed an unarmed Donovan Lewis”, Attorney Rex Elliot said in an interview.

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