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Russia to Aid US Astronauts in Space Until 2025

Roscosmos Extends Support to NASA for ISS Missions Until 2025.

Expedition 69 NASA astronaut Frank Rubio is helped out of the Soyuz MS-23 spacecraft. (PHOTO; The Messenger)

According to The Messenger, Russia’s space agency, Roscosmos, has announced its commitment to extending support for NASA’s astronaut missions to the International Space Station (ISS) until 2025. This decision, outlined in a statement by Roscosmos, underscores the mutual recognition of the importance of maintaining the overall reliability of the ISS, despite geopolitical tensions and strained relations between the two space agencies.

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NASA Turns to SpaceX Amid US-Russia Strain

With diplomatic relations facing challenges, NASA sought alternative launch solutions, turning to SpaceX, led by Elon Musk, to transport American astronauts to space. The reliance on SpaceX has proven successful, with eight crews launched for NASA so far. This shift highlights a significant change from the historical dependence on Russia’s Soyuz rockets, signaling a new era in space exploration alliances amid evolving geopolitical dynamics.

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Future Collaboration and ISS Timeline: Navigating the Final Frontier

As NASA envisions the ISS’s operation until at least 2030 before its planned “deorbiting,” Russia’s space agency signals a halt in crew launches by 2028. Meanwhile, international partnerships are evolving, with Roscosmos strengthening ties with China for future moon missions, and NASA pursuing collaborations through initiatives like the Artemis Accords. The extended commitment to ISS cooperation until 2025 reflects a delicate balance between geopolitical complexities and the shared pursuit of advancements in space exploration.

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