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Russia’s Weekly Report: Key Events from Jan. 2-8, 2024 Analyzed

The US, South Korea, and friends are in a fight with North Korea and Russia over the latest missile launch. (PHOTO: Borneo Bulletin)

Reconsidering International Rules.

U.S. Worries About Russian Control. (PHOTO: Gallup News)

According to Russia Matters report, some people doubt if the rules President Biden talks about are really working. David Ignatius says that the situation is more like a slogan than a reality. He talks about how the war in Ukraine and other conflicts might develop in 2024. Ignatius criticizes Putin’s aggressive actions but also mentions a bit of truth in Putin’s criticism of how the West intervened in places like Iraq and Syria. Ignatius warns that without new rules and crisis management, things could get really bad in 2024.

Ukraine’s Tough Choices

In the war between Russia and Ukraine, the West must decide what to do. Jack Watling says either support Ukraine so it can defend itself or let Russia win. Timothy Garton Ash thinks Ukraine needs more help with defense, like better weapons. The Wall Street Journal compares Russia and Ukraine and it looks like Ukraine might be in a tougher situation.

READ ALSO: Russia to Aid US Astronauts in Space Until 2025

Taking Russia’s Money

Some people want to take Russia’s money that’s frozen in the West and use it to help Ukraine. Nicholas Mulder says this won’t work well and goes against the rules. Simon Hinrichsen disagrees and thinks it’s okay to take Russia’s money as a punishment. A Russian expert, Ivan Timofeev, predicts that in 2024, the West will find ways to take Russia’s money. People in Ukraine are getting disappointed with the news on TV. They think it’s like a weapon used by their own leaders. The president, Zelenskyy, said the news is like a weapon. Some TV channels not supporting the president were not allowed to join a big news show. People say the news was too patriotic, and as the threat of Russia taking over went down, they didn’t like it anymore. Also, fewer Ukrainians trust their president now.

Russia’s Economy

The leader of Russia, Putin, might say the country’s economy grew a lot in 2023. But a person from CEIP, Alexandra Prokopenko, says a big part of this growth is because of the war. She thinks there will be big problems because of the war, like not enough money for health and not having the right tools. Even though there might be problems, Putin might not stop the war because he wants to win, even if it’s not good for the country’s economy.

Keeping Nuclear Power Safe

The U.S. doesn’t want to depend too much on Russia for something called uranium, which is important for making energy. The U.S. Congress voted against buying Russian uranium because they worry about energy security. Russia and China have a lot of control over this stuff, and it might not be good for the U.S. if they don’t find other places to get it. It’s like a new Cold War, and the U.S. needs to find other ways to make sure they have what they need.

READ ALSO: Russia Deploys North Korean Missiles in Ukraine; U.S. Expresses Concerns, Suspects Seek for Iranian Weapons

Surprising Team-Up: Russia Using Missiles from North Korea

Russia is using missiles from North Korea to attack Ukraine, and that’s not good. The U.S. doesn’t like this because North Korea is not supposed to share these missiles. It seems like countries that don’t like the U.S. are working together, and that’s a problem. The U.S. needs to decide if they will keep helping Ukraine, which is important for them to keep their power and influence in the world.

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