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Social Security Benefits: Bad News For Retirees, Postponed Retirement Benefits Might End At Age 70

Social Security Benefits
Social Security Benefits; Source- CNET

Social Security pays monthly income to millions of elderly people today. And those benefits are the only or primary source of income for a lot of people. That’s not the best scenario to be in. For numerous elderly who were unable to save retirement savings on their own, however, this is their reality.

Social Security Benefits

Social Security Benefits; Source- MARCA

Full Monthly Social Security Income

It is commonly recommended that employees who are nearing retirement age (FRA) but have minimal resources postpone filing their Social Security applications. FRA, which determines when you are eligible to receive your full monthly Social Security income without a cut, is 66, 67, or a number in between. But your monthly benefits are boosted by 8% for life for every year you wait to file after FRA. But those delayed retirement credits don’t last forever. You are no longer able to increase your monthly benefits at the age of 70. For this reason, even though you can still sign up after that age, 70 is frequently referred to as the maximum age to receive Social Security benefits.

Deferment Of Social Security Benefits

So will the credits for Social Security’s deferred retirement always expire at age 70? Perhaps not. There are two reasons why legislators might think about revising this regulation. There is a financial gap in Social Security that may lead to payout reductions. However, lawmakers don’t want that to occur, which is why they’ve put forward various ideas for increasing funding for the program. Raising FRA from 67 to 68 or 69 is one suggestion that is presently being considered. This gives the program an extra year or two before it has to fully distribute benefits to a large number of workers.

Social Security Income Of $7,400

However, folks in that situation would only have a year or two to earn delayed retirement credits under the current regulations if Congress were to raise FRA from 67 to 68 or 69. It’s hardly equitable. This means that if FRA increases, politicians might opt to allow delayed retirement credits to be claimed until the age of 71 or 72. It’s no secret that a large number of American seniors are approaching retirement with negligible or nonexistent savings. Applying the traditional 4% guideline to a balance that size yields a yearly income of only $7,400. That’s not much, even when combined with a Social Security benefit.

Lawmakers may eventually choose to extend the period for accumulating deferred retirement credits because they are aware that a retirement crisis is imminent. Seniors would then have the chance to make up for a lack of savings by receiving a larger Social Security payment. Before this alternative could be implemented, Social Security’s finances would probably need to be significantly strengthened. However, it might eventually be able to accrue delayed retirement credits past the age of 70.


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