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Social Security Update 2023: How To Increase Your Check By $1,983

When they retire, the majority of Americans can anticipate receiving benefits from Social Security. The average Social Security retiree receives $1,841.27 per month from the program as of September 2023. Imagine more than tripling that amount by adding $1,983 to your benefit each month. The good news is that you may achieve this goal and earn an additional $1,983 for each Social Security check. The negative information is that you won’t be able to finish it quickly. To be sure, years of waiting and decades of labor are required to make it happen in reality.

Maximize Your Benefits From Social Security

If you retire in 2023, the difference in your monthly income between collecting the highest possible Social Security amount at age 62 vs claiming the maximum benefit at age 70 is $1,983. The 70-year-old would get $4,555 a month, while the 62-year-old would get $2,572 per month. Thus, to receive that boost, you’ll need to accomplish the following two things: Maximise your Social Security benefits. You can’t claim it till you’re 70.

It’s far easier said than done, though. You must pay the maximum amount of taxes into the system of Social Security for 35 years to receive the maximum payout. That means having covered employment that pays at least $160,200 in 2023; by 2024, that needs to increase to $168,600. After that, you have to wait until you’re 70 years old to claim the reward that you’ve earned. This is so because Social Security calculates your benefits on the age at which you file as well as your past earnings history. Your monthly cheque will increase as you get older, from 62 to 70 years old, but waiting loses its benefits after that age.

Boost Your Payment

It’s crucial to comprehend the three main factors that determine your benefit, even if you have never exceeded your covered wages and you don’t intend to work for another 35 years. These are your yearly income, the duration of your employment, and the age when you make your claim. If you contribute more to the system, you should expect to receive greater benefits, up to the maximum of your 35 highest-paid duration of work, a minimum of $168,600 in covered income in 2024, and the ability to claim benefits at age 70. You could still be able to raise the total benefit by boosting one or more of those aspects, based on your current position in life and career.

It may still be possible for you to boost your Social Security payment, but the procedure will take years to complete. For example, there is an eight-year difference in age between 62 and 70. You need a strategy to pay for your expenses between those ages if you wish to wait to file a claim. To effectively reach and navigate it, you’ll still need to make advance plans, whether that means working longer hours or saving more money. You’ll have a better head start on the procedure and more time to organize your plans if you start this journey as soon as possible. Thus, start now to maximize your chances of receiving those extra $1,983 in monthly Social Security payments.

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