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Support Low-Income Taxpayers: IRS Considers Algorithm Overhaul to Ease Audit!

IRS Promises Fewer Audits for Support Low-Income Tax Credit Claimants

IRS Promises Fewer Audits for Support Low-Income Tax Credit Claimants. (PHOTO: CNBC)

Danny Werfel Outlines IRS Plan to Address Unfair Auditing Practices

The IRS which is the tax authority promised to audit fewer people who claim a tax credit for low-income earners according to CNBC finance news. This comes after a study found that Black Americans were audited more often than others. The study said the IRS uses a computer program that is not fair when picking who to audit especially for this tax credit. The head of the IRS, Danny Werfel, talked about this issue in a meeting with lawmakers. He said they plan to do less auditing for people who claim this tax credit. They’re also going to change the computer program to make it fairer. But they need more time to check if these changes are working.

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IRS Aims to Simplify Access to Tax Credit for Support Low-Income Individuals

The tax credit helps low-income people by giving them money back when they file their taxes. The IRS wants to fix this so more people who need help can get it. They’re trying to make sure everyone has a fair chance to get the tax credit they’re eligible for.

READ ALSO: Internal Revenue Service Data Shows 29% Smaller Tax Refunds This Year!

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