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Suspension of Healthcare Subsidies for Undocumented Migrants: The State needs to Keep in Line with the Budget Cost.

Governor Pritzker, Yahoo Sports

With the start of the Budget year, Illinois Governor, J.B Pritzker had declared suspension of the healthcare program for undocumented migrants.

Health Subsidy for undocumented immigrant was suspended last Saturday.

Health Subsidy for undocumented immigrant was suspended last Saturday

Suspension of Health Care Subsidy

According to Illinois State Project ,on their report about the suspension of the healthcare subsidies, the healthcare program for migrants started in the midst of the pandemic in 2020.  It aimed to give accessible and affordable healthcare to everyone, regardless of their nationality.

The suspension of the healthcare subsidies enrolled beneficiary, however, no new migrants can be enrolled.

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Illinois State Budget Cost


Governor Pritzker, Yahoo Sports


The program had claimed to have spent more than $726 million. This year, according to a report from The Square Center, the state’s budget cost was about $550 million, which resulted in the suspension of the healthcare subsidy.

With the suspension of the Health care subsidies in Illinois, taxpayers were worried about the message this could send to others.

Moreover, amidst the suspension of the healthcare subsidy, Pritzker emphasized that his goal is still for “universal health care”.

“And I wish that we could provide health care literally for everybody in this country and we ought to be able to do that,” Pritzker said in addressing the issue about the suspension of the health care subsidies. However, he added that the state will need to keep in line with the State’s budget cost.

The suspension of the Healthcare subsidy raised concerns among lawmakers as they were disappointed with the announcement of suspending these healthcare subsidies, which initially help thousands of undocumented migrants.

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