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Taking Russian Money Could Help Our Democracy

Difficult Times for Those Supporting Ukraine Against Russia

Taking Russian money could help our democracy. (PHOTO: REUTERS)

Congress didn’t agree on how to help Ukraine.

According to The Washington Free BeaconPresident Biden wants Ukraine to get $61 billion to restock its weapons and offer military support. By linking aid to limits on immigration at the southern border, progress is slowed down. This prompts a group to look for a solution that has little chance of passing in the Republican-controlled House.

A New Solution from a Bipartisan Coalition

Both sides agreed to support the Rep. Michael McCaul and Sen. Jim Risch-sponsored Rebuilding Economic Prosperity and Opportunity (REPO) for Ukrainians Act during discussions about aiding the nation. Instead of the controversial $61 billion plan, this plan uses Russian assets that were stolen from U.S. institutions to help Ukraine’s economy get back on its feet. It could be a big step forward for Congress if both parties support it.

A response from Russia or a firm move? What the REPO Act Means

The unusual REPO for Ukrainians Act raises concerns about Russian retaliation and conflict. Analysts say this new way could send a strong message to Ukraine that the West backs them without using force. The war could get so bad that it threatens the safety of everyone in the area and around the world.

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