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Targeting Infrastructure and Leaders for Enhanced Security in Yemen, Iraq, and Syria

U.S. Ramps Up Strikes Against Houthis and Iranian-Backed Militias

Houthis in Yemen and militias. (PHOTO: Crisis Group)

Targeted Military Action Aims to Weaken Threats in Yemen, Iraq, and Syria

According to the article of RAND, The United States is stepping up military strikes against groups like the Houthis in Yemen and militias supported by Iran in Iraq and Syria. These strikes aren’t meant to scare these groups into stopping their attacks but to make it harder for them to carry out those attacks by weakening their military power. The strikes won’t stop all future attacks they’re aimed at reducing the damage these groups can do and protecting U.S. interests in places like the Red Sea. Instead of just defending against attacks the U.S. is now actively targeting the infrastructure and leaders of these groups using planned airstrikes and aircraft carriers. Early reports suggest that these strikes have already made a big dent in the Houthis’ military abilities in Yemen. The same approach will be used against other militias supported by Iran to make it harder for them to launch coordinated attacks using drones and missiles.

READ ALSO: US Military Equipment Reinforcements Touch Down In Deir Ezzor’s Koniko Base

The Objective of Targeted Military Action in the Middle East

While some people might question whether these strikes will stop future attacks. The main aim is to make those attacks less damaging. Weakening the ability of these groups to carry out big attacks, the hope is to keep things safer in the region and protect important U.S. interests there. It’s all about reducing the impact of these threats and keeping things as stable as possible.

READ ALSO: Houthi Missile Threat Thwarted: US Military Successfully Defends Against Another Attack

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