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Trump Win Raises Fears: Russia, China, Israel May Grow Assertive

Global Concerns Grow as Trump Nears Second Term.

Trump’s Policies Could Change a Lot. (PHOTO: AP News)

Polls Show Close Race

People around the world are getting worried as Donald Trump might get a second term. A recent poll by YouGov shows Trump and President Joe Biden are tied at 43%. This makes the November vote important for everyone, not just Americans. Trump’s plan to move troops and deport many people could affect countries and alliances globally. There’s also worry about him rethinking NATO’s role and not supporting Ukraine, which might make Russia and China more confident.

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Worries About Global Partnerships:

If Trump wins again, he might make big changes and take more power from the Biden administration. There’s concern about how he deals with Israel, as he might not try to control their actions in Gaza. Trump also doesn’t like clean energy plans and might not follow agreements about climate. His ideas about tariffs and the economy could create more uncertainty around the world. Even now, his possible win is affecting how the US does business with other countries.

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The World Watches: What Happens if Trump Gets Another Term

People all over are paying attention because a Trump win might change how countries work together. The next ten months before the election will be important. The way Trump wants to put America first could affect how we deal with other countries, including military partnerships and efforts to solve big global problems. As we wait to see what happens, the world is unsure about what a second term for Trump might mean for everyone.

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