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Unlocking Extra GST Insights: Payment Details, Dates & Eligibility for 2024

Additional GST Payment in 2024: A Look Ahead

Unlocking Extra GST Insights: Payment Details, Dates & Eligibility for 2024 (PHOTO: moneyGenius)


Extra GST Payment: A Boost for Low-Income Canadians

In 2024 the Canadian government said they would give more money to people who don’t have much money. This money is called the Extra GST Payment. The Canada Revenue Agency will give this money to people who don’t have a lot of money and have already told the government how much money they make.

People who get this extra money will get $496 more if they are single and $650 more if they are married. This money is to help people who don’t have much money pay for things like food and clothes. The government will give this money often so people who need it can get it when they need it.

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What is an Extra GST?

To help people who don’t have much money the Canadian government will give them extra money called the Extra GST Payment. This money will be given out by the Canada Revenue Agency and is meant to help people who are struggling with the higher cost of living due to inflation. The government will use the Consumer Price Index to figure out how much money to give and they will also look at things like income tax and property tax to make sure the payment is fair.

Payment Amount

In 2024 the government is giving more money to help families and people with not much money. The amount you get depends on how much money your family makes and how many kids you have under 18. If you’re single you’ll get $496 and if you’re married or living together you’ll get $650. You’ll also get $171 for each kid under 18. But if you make more than $35,000 a year they’ll take away 2% for every extra dollar you make. The government also gives different amounts of money depending on what province you live in.

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