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US Warships a Big Threat, Can Cause Massive Damage

Russian President Vladimir Putin (Photo: The Spokesman-Review)

Russian Leader Fears US Missile Threat.

US Aid to Ukraine Fuels Rising US-Russia Tensions. (PHOTO: GB News)

According to GB News, Russia’s top military, Nikolai Yevmenov, fears US warships armed with Tomahawk missiles. These precision weapons, used over 2,300 times, raise tensions amid the Ukraine conflict, where the US is the main military aid provider. Yevmenov’s warning deepens worries about escalating tensions between the nations.

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Tomahawk Missiles Fuel US-Russia Strain

US Tomahawk cruise missiles, deployed over 2,300 times, intensify tensions with Russia. Launched from ships and subs, they heighten worries conveyed by Yevmenov in a Russian Defense Ministry newspaper. Amid US support in the Ukraine conflict, concerns grow about worsening relations and a potential military clash.

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As the Ukraine conflict escalates, with the US providing major military aid, Yevmenov’s warning amplifies tensions. The US commitment raises concerns about worsening relations, increasing the possibility of a military confrontation. Global observers closely monitor the unfolding narrative of rising tensions between the US and Russia.

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