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Welcoming More Illegal Immigrants in U.S. Border; Bill Biden’s Bold Move!

Republicans Fume as White House Mulls ICE Cutbacks Over Border Bill Gridlock

Accuses White House of Playing Politics with National Security

Republicans Fume as White House Mulls ICE Cutbacks Over Border Bill Gridlock. (PHOTO: The Guardian)

According to American Military News, Republican lawmakers are really angry with President Biden and his team. They got mad after hearing that the White House might make Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) do less work if Congress doesn’t pass a certain border bill. The White House says this could happen because of money problems caused by Republicans not cooperating. They think President Biden is playing games with national security and blaming them for his own problems. They also don’t trust the border bill Biden supports saying it could make things worse and is just a way for Biden to look good before the next election.

READ ALSO: Governor Abbott And President Biden Clash Over Immigration Policy And Impending Disaster

Republican Lawmakers Accuse Biden of Political Posturing, Denounce Border Plan as Fear Tactic

These Republican politicians are speaking out loudly against Biden’s plan. They’re saying it’s like threatening the American people and trying to scare Republicans into agreeing with Biden. They don’t believe Biden is serious about fixing the border and think he’s just trying to win points with voters.

READ ALSO: Texas Landowners Join Forces With Government To Secure Border – A Response To Rising Illegal Immigration

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