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Williamsburg Schools To Be Sponsored By Williamsburg Community Bands Which Aims To Help In Reducing Student Lunch Debts

Williamsburg Schools To Be Sponsored By Williamsburg community bands Which Aims To Help In Reducing Student Lunch Debt Photo From: ARL Now

Volunteers now helping Williamsburg Schools raise funds to help reduce Student lunch debts since many families were reported to not be able to afford buying lunch for their children.


Williamsburg Schools To Be Sponsored By Williamsburg Community Bands Which Aims To Help In Reducing Student Lunch Debt
Photo From: iStock

Williamsburg Schools To Be Sponsored By Williamsburg Community Bands

During the pandemic Government programs had paid for school lunches but when those subsidies stopped in the 2022–2023 school year, many kids were left without food for their lunch. Although schools were offering reduced prices for lunch, many families are still left with no budget.

The problem for lunch debt had rose to around $12,000 which prompted the community to form a band that will help raise fund for Williamsburg Schools lunch debts as reported in Clermont Sun. 

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Williamsburg Schools’ Lunch Debts Reduced Through Community’s Efforts

Throughout the initiative, community near Williamsburg Schools gave out flyers and they also held free concert from Williamsburg Schools band where audience can donate money. The concert was held at at the Williamsburg Farmers Market last August 9.

With the combined efforts of the community members, Williamsburg Schools lunch debt had been reduced to $7,200 as reported from Clermont Sun.

You may donate to the Williamsburg Schools by check if you’d want to support this cause. Please remember that checks should be made out to WES or the board office for the obligation related to student lunches.

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