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Accused Gilgo Beach Serial Killer Rex Heuermann: “He Was Quiet And Shy, Seemed Like A Gentle Giant”, Former Classmates Say

Accused Gilgo Beach Serial Killer Rex Heuermann: “He Was Quiet And Shy, Seemed Like A Gentle Giant”, Former Classmates Say Photo From: Yahoo News

In a report from New York Daily News, former classmates of Rex Heuermann recalled their high school classmate before they graduated in 1981. “He Was quiet and shy, seemed like a gentle giant”, a former classmate had said when asked on how they can describe Rex Heuermann.


Accused Gilgo Beach Serial Killer Rex Heuermann: “He Was Quiet And Shy, Seemed Like A Gentle Giant”, Former Classmates Say
Photo From: Yahoo News

Rex Heuermann’s Love Letters in High School

Rex Heuermann was arrested last week following the 13-year-old police investigation in relation with the “Gilgo Four” murders where 4 remains were found near Gilgo Beach in Long Island.

After the arrest, people who had known Rex Heuermann came forward to describe how he had interacted with them. Among those who were asked were his high school classmates.

Maureen Boyle-Holpit, now 59 years old, recalled that Rex Heuermann had been shy during their high school days at Berner High School in Massapequa, L.I. . She also mentioned that he was often picked on by other kids.

She had also seen Rex Heuermann leaving love notes on her locker. She had never felt threatened by Rex Heuermann even though she had not responded to the love notes. When the news about the arrest came, she was shocked because he was a ‘nice person’.

Read Also: Rex Heuermann: Long Island Gilgo Beach Murder Suspect, Arrested After Over A Decade! Suspect, A Possible Serial Killer

Rex Heuermann Pleads Not Guilty

Rex Heuermann pleaded not guilty of the three counts of first degree murder charges against him. He was held without bail while awaiting trial.

The arrest was done after over a decade of police investigation according to CNN. Evidence were found linking Rex Heuermann to the murders leading to his arrest last Thursday night.

Read Also: Alabama Woman Made A Chilling 911 Call Before She Disappeared, Search Still Underway

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