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Chinese-Backed Company Plans Plant Near US Military Base!

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Photo from Google

Cnano Technology, a Chinese-owned company, is raising concerns by establishing a new facility in Kansas just 70 miles from the Whiteman Air Force Base. The company, specializing in materials crucial for high-tech applications such as computers and electric vehicles (EVs), is under scrutiny due to its reported ties with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and involvement in state-backed projects with potential military implications.

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Cnano’s Proximity to Whiteman Air Force Base Raises National Security Concerns

Cnano Technology’s decision to build a plant near the Whiteman Air Force Base has sparked investigations into potential national security risks. The plant’s focus on producing liquid conductive paste for EVs and other devices intensifies concerns about the proximity of critical technology development to a sensitive military site.

The Daily Caller, supported by research from the Heritage Foundation Oversight Project and Heritage Action, reveals alarming details about Cnano’s internal structure. The company reportedly harbors 28 members of the Chinese Communist Party within its ranks, advocating for the integration of CCP ideology into its corporate governance.

The report highlights Cnano’s involvement in Chinese state-backed projects, particularly the National 863 program, known for developing advanced technologies with dual-use applications, including bioweapons and lasers. Cnano’s 2023 investment plan explicitly mentions “technology transfer,” raising concerns about the potential sharing of sensitive information with military implications.

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Kansas Congressman Jake LaTurner expresses a top priority of preventing CCP-backed companies from operating within the state. In response to Cnano’s new plant, he emphasizes the importance of safeguarding national security interests and ensuring that companies with potential ties to the Chinese Communist Party do not compromise U.S. interests.

Cnano’s activities, including attendance at a United Front Work Department event in China, where discussions about overseas Chinese enterprises took place, raise concerns about the company’s intentions in foreign markets. Congressman LaTurner’s commitment reflects a broader national sentiment aimed at protecting critical infrastructure and technology from potential foreign influence, particularly in sensitive regions like those in proximity to military bases.

READ ALSO: Comparison Of China’s J-20 Fighter And America’s F-22 Raptor

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