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Colorado Officer Guilty of Endangerment in Train Crash Incident, Acquitted of Manslaughter

Colorado Officer Jordan Steinke Guilty of Endangerment in Train Crash Incident, Acquitted of Manslaughter (Photo: Pinac News)
Colorado Officer Jordan Steinke Guilty of Endangerment in Train Crash Incident, Acquitted of Manslaughter (Photo: Pinac News)

A Colorado police officer, Jordan Steinke, has been found guilty of reckless endangerment and assault for putting a handcuffed woman in a parked police vehicle that was subsequently hit by a freight train. However, the Colorado officer was acquitted of a third charge of criminal attempt to commit manslaughter during the trial.

The incident took place on September 16, 2022, at the intersection of U.S. 85 and County Road 36. (Photo: The Right Scoop)

The incident took place on September 16, 2022, at the intersection of U.S. 85 and County Road 36. (Photo: The Right Scoop)

Colorado Officer Handcuffed Woman, Hit by Train

The incident took place on September 16, 2022, and resulted in serious injuries to the suspect, Yareni Rios-Gonzalez, who suffered a traumatic brain injury and is suing over the treatment, the Denver Post reported.

KMGH reported that the incident occurred at the intersection of U.S. 85 and County Road 36, where Colorado Officer Steinke responded to reports of a road rage incident involving Rios-Gonzalez allegedly pointing a gun at another driver.

Upon arriving at the scene, Colorado officer Steinke along with another officer from the nearby Platteville Police Department, Pablo Vazquez conducted a high-risk traffic stop on the suspect.

According to reports, Colorado officer Steinke handcuffed Rios-Gonzalez and placed her in the backseat of the patrol car of the other officer. Unaware that the car was parked on active railroad tracks, Colorado officer Steinke’s actions proved to be dangerous and led to a tragic accident when a freight train collided with the police vehicle.

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Colorado Officer’s Verdict

After a thorough trial process, Judge Timothy Kerns delivered the verdict, finding Colorado officer Jordan Steinke guilty of reckless endangerment and assault.

According to Associated Press, the judge concluded that placing a handcuffed person inside a patrol car parked on railroad tracks unquestionably created a significant and unwarranted risk of harm from an approaching train.

However, the evidence presented during the trial did not convince the judge that Colorado officer Steinke intentionally meant to cause harm to Rios-Gonzalez. Kerns acknowledged that Steinke displayed shock and remorse after the incident.

Nevertheless, the court held her accountable for her failure to appreciate the risk of placing the suspect in harm’s way.

During the trial, Colorado officer Steinke testified that she was not aware that the other officer’s patrol car was parked on the railroad tracks. She claimed her focus was on the potential threat posed by Rios-Gonzalez and her pickup truck, rather than on the ground beneath the vehicle.

Apart from Colorado officer Jordan Steinke, the other officer, Pablo Vazquez, who was present at the scene, is also facing prosecution. Vazquez is being charged with misdemeanor counts of reckless endangerment and traffic offenses related to the incident. His trial is pending, and he has not entered a plea yet.

The court’s ruling holds Colorado Officer Jordan Steinke accountable for her actions that resulted in the serious injury of Yareni Rios-Gonzalez.

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