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Democratic Senate Candidate Advocates for a $50 Minimum Wage and Proposes $100,000 as a Fair Living Wage in CA.

Democratic Senate Candidate Advocates for a $50 Minimum Wage and Proposes $100,000 as a Fair Living Wage in CA (Photo from: ThoughtCo)
Democratic Senate Candidate Advocates for a $50 Minimum Wage and Proposes $100,000 as a Fair Living Wage in CA (Photo from: ThoughtCo)

Democratic Representative Barbara Lee recently defended her call for a $50 minimum wage during a debate for the California Senate primary. Lee argued that California’s high cost of living necessitates a living wage to help people afford necessities such as housing and childcare. She noted that while the federal minimum wage must be raised from $7.25 to $17 by 2025, California’s current minimum wage is $16 an hour, and a living wage would be even higher.

Lee’s position has been criticized, with opponents arguing that raising the minimum wage to such a high level would lead to job losses and hurt low-wage earners. A 2019 Congressional Budget Office report supported this argument, finding that while some workers would see increased incomes, many would lose their jobs. A recent Harvard Business Review study also found that raising the minimum wage could lower employee compensation.

Despite the criticism, Lee remains committed to her position. Some critics have even suggested that politicians advocating for such high minimum wages should actively pursue them so that the public can see the potential ramifications for themselves.

Lee’s call for a $50 minimum wage has sparked a heated debate about the role of the minimum wage in ensuring that workers can support themselves and their families. While some argue that a living wage is necessary to address the high cost of living in certain areas, others worry that raising the minimum wage too high could lead to unintended consequences. As the debate continues, what the future holds for the minimum wage in California and across the United States remains to be seen.


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