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Facts Before Moving to Tallahassee, FL in 2024 – What to Know?

Tallahassee Newcomer Discovers Unique History, Energy, and Natural Beauty

Facts Before Moving to Tallahassee, FL in 2024. (PHOTO: UpHomes)

A newbie to Tallahassee loves its history, excitement, and unique combination of city services and wild beauty. Near the Gulf sits Florida’s capitol. The culture center offers two large schools, family-friendly events, and great food. A calm yet lively community with southern charm. Tallahassee impresses visitors with its steady expansion and hospitality according to Southwest Journal report.

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Facts Before Moving to Tallahassee

Living costs in Tallahassee

Moving to Tallahassee for a lovely cheap life? About 4% below the national average. City financial investigations found housing and utilities 10%–13% cheaper than national averages. Food costs 8% more than the national average. Lack of state taxes in Tallahassee balances expenditure and improves earnings.

Housing Market Overview

In 2022, the housing market was volatile nationwide, but Tallahassee remained stable. In December 2022, the typical transaction price rose 16% to $255,000 although homes sold for 2% less than advertised and giving purchasers confidence. Homes averaged 50 days on the market and sales dropped from previous year. House sales declined from 346 in December 2021 to 186 in December 2022 showing Tallahassee residents were staying put.

College choices

Florida, Tallahassee Florida State and A&M demonstrate Tallahassee’s educational excellence. With 43,569 students, FSU is known for research and study. FSU has a 36% acceptance rate. Alumni applaud the school for producing well-rounded, world-ready kids.

Exciting Nightlife

The city’s elegant and lively nightlife suits all tastes. Hangar 38’s arcades and bowling alleys bring back memories. Chic and vibrant bar and dance club Recess Day & Nightclub with rooftop views of Doak Campbell Stadium. New District 850 is huge and busy.

Cooking Treats

Tallahassee is a culinary wonderland with several cuisines for discriminating palates. From succulent steaks and seafood at Savour to Southern-style comfort cuisine with a twist at Table 23, the city has something for everyone. Masa delivers Asian food while Bella Bella’s family-friendly atmosphere brings Italian food to life.

Weather and climate

The city provides a comfortable escape from northern locales with temperatures ranging from 41º to 91º. The humid air in Tallahassee makes it cozy and pleasant. Shaded parks, trails, and beaches await locals and newcomers a short drive away.

Crime and Safety

Downtown is more dangerous than outlying areas, although the city’s crime rate is greater than many nationwide. 1 in 126 and 1 in 34 are violent or property crime victims. Despite its culture and attractions, Tallahassee’s crime rate may dissuade people.

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