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Homicide Rate in Mexico Drops by 9.7% in 2022; Crediting ‘Hugs Not Bullets’ Approach

Homicide Rate in Mexico Drops by 9.7% in 2022; Crediting 'Hugs Not Bullets' Approach (Photo: Roberts Law NC)
Homicide Rate in Mexico Drops by 9.7% in 2022; Crediting 'Hugs Not Bullets' Approach (Photo: Roberts Law NC)

The homicide rate in Mexico witnessed a noteworthy drop in 2022, marking the first significant decline in several years, as reported by Mexico’s National Statistics Institute. The decline in homicides has been attributed to President Andrés Manuel López Obrador’s unconventional approach to combating crime, known as the “hugs not bullets” policy.

To put the homicide rate in Mexico into context, the United States had a homicide rate of about 7.8 per 100,000 inhabitants in 2021, significantly lower than Mexico's figures. (Photo: Daily Caller)

To put the homicide rate in Mexico into context, the United States had a homicide rate of about 7.8 per 100,000 inhabitants in 2021, significantly lower than Mexico’s figures. (Photo: Daily Caller)

Homicide Rate in Mexico Drops by 9.7% in 2022

As reported by Mexico’s National Statistics Institute, there were 32,223 killings in 2022, representing a 9.7% decrease compared to the previous year, 2021.

This decline in the homicide rate in Mexico also resulted in a notable decrease in the country’s homicide rate per 100,000 inhabitants, which dropped from approximately 28 in 2021 to 25 in 2022.

However, according to the Associated Press, recent reports indicate that the number of killings has essentially plateaued in the first half of 2023. During this period there were 15,122 homicides reported, a slight decrease from 15,381 recorded in the same period in 2022.

This development indicates that sustaining the progress made in 2022 will require ongoing efforts and continued attention to the underlying issues contributing to the country’s crime rates.

To put the homicide rate in Mexico into context, the United States had a homicide rate of about 7.8 per 100,000 inhabitants in 2021, significantly lower than Mexico’s figures.

It’s important to note that the six-month figures mentioned are preliminary reports compiled by police and prosecutors.

On the other hand, the National Statistics Institute’s annual figures, released with a six-month delay, are considered more reliable as they are based on death certificates, providing a comprehensive overview of the nation’s crime statistics.

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‘Hugs Not Bullets’ Approach to Combat Homicide Rate in Mexico

The decline in the homicide rate in Mexico has been attributed to President Andrés Manuel López Obrador‘s unconventional approach to combating crime, known as the “hugs not bullets” policy.

Since assuming office in December 2018, President López Obrador has faced the persistent challenge of a high homicide rate in Mexico.

His strategy focused on avoiding open confrontations with powerful drug cartels, instead emphasizing the allocation of resources to fund training and scholarship programs for the youth population.

According to Market Watch, President López Obrador expressed his satisfaction with the declining homicide rate in Mexico, stating that it signifies the effectiveness of addressing the root causes of violence through social and employment initiatives.

The violence in Mexico is primarily attributed to disputes between drug cartels, who are also involved in other illegal activities like kidnapping, extortion, and smuggling.

In conclusion, the declining homicide rate in Mexico during 2022 is a positive development in the country’s ongoing efforts to combat crime and violence. President López Obrador’s “hugs not bullets” policy, coupled with investment in social programs, has played a significant role in driving this reduction.

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