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Ukraine’s Fight for Freedom: Milley’s Assessment and Ukraine’s Resolve

He stressed that Ukraine's pursuit of freedom and independence, as a nation valuing both, was a major strategic error. (Photo: Google)

However, he acknowledges that Ukraine’s fight for freedom will face a formidable challenge in driving out the Russian forces.

He conveyed his belief in the unwavering determination of Ukrainians to persist in their struggle for freedom until they reclaim their independence. (Photo: Google)

General Mark Milley, the chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, is optimistic about Ukraine’s fight for freedom and sees significant strides towards its objective of liberating Russian-occupied territories.

According to an article published by Pravda, General Mark Milley, the chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, believes that Ukraine’s fight for freedom is making progress towards its goal of liberating Russian-occupied territories. However, he acknowledges that Ukraine’s fight for freedom will face a formidable challenge in driving out the Russian forces.

Milley’s assessment came during a press conference following a meeting of the Ukraine Defence Contact Group in Germany. He emphasized that Ukraine’s fight for freedom and independence, as a nation that values its freedom and independence, was a significant strategic mistake. He expressed confidence in the determination of Ukrainians to continue Ukraine’s fight for freedom until they regain their independence.

Despite significant losses suffered by Russian forces in Ukraine, Milley noted that the sheer number of Russian troops in the occupied territories, estimated at 200,000-300,000, presents a formidable obstacle for Ukrainian forces.

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Nevertheless, he recognized Ukraine’s progress in Ukraine’s fight for freedom and liberating over 54% of the territory and its commitment to its goal with the support of international partners.

According to an article published by the Independent, a US military official previously suggested that Ukraine had about a month and a half left for active combat before unfavorable autumn weather set in. However, Kyrylo Budanov, Chief of Defence Intelligence of Ukraine, asserted that Ukraine’s fight for freedom and the Ukrainian counteroffensive would continue even under more challenging conditions.

General Mark Milley sees Ukraine’s gradual progress toward liberating Russian-occupied territories as a formidable task due to the large presence of Russian forces. Despite the challenges ahead, Ukraine’s fight for freedom remains resolute in its pursuit of freedom and independence, with continued international support.

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